AI Art section Added, Podcasters at it Again

I’ve created several more pieces of AI-enhanced art and given them their own section on the Comics page of Nyght’s Art. They’re the last gallery on the page. Everything except By the Numbers is brand new.

Last year, two women – a Private Investigator, and a former fetish model – started a project called Deep Dark Secrets. They built a website, established a social media presence, and started a weekly podcast. The fetish model once worked with a long-since defunct fetish production studio called Chris’ Corner. The P.I. was investigating a cold case from the mid-90’s. They became acquainted after the fetish model drew a connection between a Chris Corner morgue shoot she performed in, and the P.I.’s cold case. The connection involved a watch the client who commissioned the shoot insisted be worn by whoever Chris was able to cast to play the corpse.

After spending the year before “undercover” by “infiltrating” community forums like Femme Fatalities and Deadly Desires, and pretending to be fellow fetishists, they concluded that we all harbor latent homicidal desires, and that it’s only a matter of time before any of us act on our fantasies. That was the genesis of their Deep Dark Secrets project. They formulated an agenda to have fantasy death fetish content removed from the web by starting a petition to get Congress to strengthen federal obscenity laws. Their plan included kink-shaming the community, spreading lies about content creators, and (unsuccessfully) trying to get authorities to investigate what they believe was criminal activity. They appeared on several other podcasts who, while admiring their mission statement, expressed doubts about their ability to accomplish their goals, citing 1st Amendment concerns.

The first season of their podcast was spent “exposing” various elements of our community. One of the first episodes included an interview with the former owner of Chris’ Corner. Chris did an admirable job answering questions and explaining what our community is about, but it wasn’t the smoothest discussion, and I felt he could’ve done a better job clarifying various points. One of the last episodes included an interview with an Investigative Journalist and leading expert on the “dark web” whose written two books on that subject. She advised them there’s a huge difference between what happens on the dark web and the staged productions involving consenting adults that our community enjoys consuming. She also said there’s no correlation between violent porn and real-world murder, and reminded them she wasn’t there to kink-shame anyone.

The model has since moved on to other things. Meanwhile, the P.I. started season 2 of the podcast with a new co-host in January, and a focus on the topic of human trafficking. This week, they pressed pause on that topic and have decided to re-record season 1, with a renewed focus on us. Apparently, they’ve chosen to discard everything the journalist told them. To their credit, they’re at least acknowledging this is just fantasy for the vast majority of us, and anyone who would who act on their fantasies likely already had a screw loose. Nevertheless, they believe fetish videos should be outlawed and not considered a form of artistic expression, partly because they’re convinced some models are being harmed and murdered.

I posted this story because part of Cinemagore’s purpose is to share news related to the community, and I believe this qualifies because it effects our community. I chose not to include links to their content because I don’t want to draw more attention to them than necessary.

Finally, I’d like to note that they’ve removed all of their first-season episodes from their podcast accounts on Spotify and Apple, so don’t bother looking for them.

Artist Added, AI Art Revised

Necroboy3D Art & Comics – Paid 3D artist specializing in peril, morgue, mortuary and funeral themed art and comics.

The other day I posted my first official AI-enhanced piece of 3D art called By the Numbers. I’ve updated it with a revised version that includes a foot shot. It’s on the Single Page section of my Comics gallery.